Weekend Reading 3/25/22: The Pursuit of Passion

2 years ago

Raven's Mighty Tree o' Links:


Your dreams of wealth can come true. New opportunities are present, yes, but what are you doing to control your current situation? It's time to take control, master your craft, answer your highest calling and be playful about it. Approach with clarity of thought and give your dreams a plan, turning them into goals. Don't waste your time or anyone else's. Treat time as the most precious of assets.

"Hard work pays off. Dreams come true. Bad times don't last. Bad guys do."

-Scott Hall.

#TarotGrandLuxe #WorkYourLightOracle #SpiritAnimalOracle #VikingOracle #RunesofTheGodsOracle

Want Private Readings? To promote Winifred Hodge Rose's work Heathen Soul Lore. Special Promotion Running This Month.

Purchase the eBook or Paperback, you get 4 Readings and 1 Birthday Reading

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Purchase Full Color Hardcover, 1 Birthday Reading and Readings For One Year from date of purchase.


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