"The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall" by Edgar Allan Poe

2 years ago

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The picture used is Yan Dargent's illustration for Jules Verne's "Edgar Poe et ses Å“uvres" (1864).

Dun = debt collector; used in this story in the plural, duns - not to be confused with dunce ;-)

Pemmican - you can find an entire series on this food item on a very informative channel I encourage you to subscribe to, if you still have anything to do with youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_vLuMobHCI&list=PL4e4wpjna1vxXNa7kCTF3i2LzFE9uKPPU

1 Paris foot = 0.32483943 meters, or 12.79 inches

To follow along: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2147/2147-h/2147-h.htm#chap04

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