Dr.Geert Vanden Bossche:我們正在進行與“群體免疫相反”的事情,越來越多接種者變成“無症狀傳播者”!他們“正在傳播病毒”!傳播“高傳染性病毒株”…

2 years ago

We Are Doing the Opposite of Herd Immunity(與群體免疫相反方向)—We Are Turning the Jabbed Into Asymptomatic Spreaders(接種者變成無症狀傳播者)

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: "What we are seeing right now is an increasing number of vaccinated people who are shedding virus, highly infectious strains, so this is exactly the opposite of herd immunity."(越來越多新冠疫苗實驗針劑C_19 vaccine接種者,正在傳播病毒!傳播高傳染性病毒株~)

@VigilantFox | Rumble Clip | Full Video

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