Turning the Wheel

2 years ago

My next album diverges from my usual folk/topical material and is a set of songs written about the practice of Falun Dafa (Falun Gong). Just as the Falun Dafa exercises are always taught for free around the world, this album will be free and is planned for release on May 13, which will mark 30 years since the practice was first publicly taught in China in 1992.

The Falun is the symbol at the heart of the teachings of Li Hongzhi. It incorporates the Svastika, a part of both Hindu and Buddhist religions long before the Nazi party appropriated it. The symbol also incorporates the Taiji/Yin-Yang symbol from the Taoist school.

For a detailed understanding of the principles of Falun Dafa, it is best to read the book Zhuan Falun for yourself, but basically it comes down to trying to live an honest, kind and tolerant life.

Zhuan Falun (English Translation) always available for free:


More about the symbol here:

Chords and lyrics here:

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