The Long March to Freedom: Orkney (SA) to Orkney (Scotland, UK)

2 years ago

The World Wide Demonstration (also known as the World Wide Rally For Freedom) is an internationally syndicated community demonstration dedicated to emboldening citizens to push back against Coronavirus related Restrictions in their countries. Events have been coordinated across 180 cities in 50 countries with gatherings ranging from 100 to 250,000 people.
WWD take a stand for 5 important Freedoms:
• Freedom of Speech.
• Freedom of Movement.
• Freedom of Choice.
• Freedom of Assembly.
• Freedom of Health

Having attended three events now, on three continents; Sao Paulo, Brazil (Nov 22nd), London, UK (Jan 22nd), and Capetown, South Africa (March 19th) I've been very blessed to find so many people at these events who oppose restrictions from Governments. Whilst in South Africa I was also happily surprised to find a small town called Orkney with their own Orkney Golf Club with Viking longship logo!

On March 21st I visited Robben Island where Nelson Mandela did his Long walk to Freedom after 18 of his 27 years imprisonment for simply opposing the Apartheid government. This was Human Rights day, which commemorated the 69 lives which were killed by Police (Sharpville Massacre), as they were peacefully protesting the oppressive pass laws, which required all Black people to carry passes to control their movement. Mahatma Gandhi himself was jailed for 7 months during his time in Johannesburg for not carrying his ID papers. Today in Scotland you need to present a Vaccination certificate or negative test simply to enter the theatre or football ground. It is possible to enter either venue with COVID (false report your antigen test, and being vaccinated doesn't mean you don't have the virus), but it is impossible to enter without the government knowing your there. It's not about health, it's all about control.

Orcadians in particular should be aware of the influence of the World Economic Forum on governments (especially left wing) and their Great Reset agenda of mankind concerning removing rights to own property and a greater emphasis away from meat based diets. Many Governments around the World are looking at how China is constantly growing their economy whilst simultaneously controlling 1.4 billion people by infringing their civil liberties.

In Orkney there are 15,800 of a 22,000 population who are boosted. To change your mind about the vaccine, masks, or even your thinking that Government is doing this all for your health, requires a lot to overturn how your mind has been programmed in the last two years to the information it's been exposed to. For those who know, trust, and respect me, even if part of you believes what I say about the dangers of the vaccine to be true, the cost of following that belief is too high a price. Studies of survival instincts show that people would rather die than be excluded from their friends, peer group, or community. If you follow what you know is truth you have to be willing to give up the security you have from being accepted with all those who go with the narrative.

My recent flight home the taxi driver from Kirkwall airport told me how cases were high in Orkney and that he had a neighbour who refused to get the vaccine and recently contracted it, to which he said "serves her right". Whatever you may think of "anti vaxxers" I can assure you such people take no delight in seeing the vaccinated community continually catch the virus after taking an injection which was originally supposed to reduce their risk by 95%, which we now know is nowhere near true. Let's just say I support businesses who support customers freedom of choice and from now on will be spending my money with another firm.

This is the greatest opportunity to align ourselves with those who choose love and freedom over fear. We may never get a chance like this again. Coronavirus Restriction measures must come to an end, and all state of emergency declarations enabling these measures must be repealed. The responsibility of your health, and your life, must be decided by the people, and not by tyrannical government.

Much love to Tania and Lincoln for making me feel so welcome with the Capetown convoy to support the Worldwide Rally for Freedom. To friends Bonnie, Vincent, Richard & Mimie, Tony, Reshanda and Dudlin.

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