Dalek News 25 MAR 2022

3 years ago

Welcome to the Dalek News,
Thank you for watching. Please don’t subscribe, it reminds me that I was such an ugly child I had to give pedophiles sweets.
This show bought to you by Kamila Harris Knee Pads. Extra heavy duty, for when you’re dealing with those slow to react old mayors.

Disney forms a corporate partnership with ISIS to radicalize the Disney Corporation

New Woke characters include:
Uighur sex slave

Snow white supremacist
Winnie the Communist
Gender reveal Goofy, hormone eunuch
Black Lives Mickey, always angry
Genital Mutilation Witch!

Visit the Alphabet soup equity based cafeteria, where all the food tastes like Disney gulag food.
Disney Stock continues its stellar performance.
Remember Disney is all about the genitals.

Black lives matter supreme junta nominee can’t define the meaning of woman.

SEC to utilize magic back door workaround to make everyone report their carbon emissions, and anything else they want on pain of being cut off from economic activity.
Klaus Schwab wants a ESG social credit system. Generation Z too disinterested to be apathetic.

Need a pet? Want something that’s like a dog or a cat?
How about a pet person? Rent a womb, and bring it up as if it’s a piece of property, indoctrinated anyway you want, as long as its leftist.

You can’t put a dog in too small a cage, you can’t farm fish without a license, but brainwashing kids with the leftist rainbow is AOC OK.

Ukraine Cash register continues to feed.

Nothing out of the ordinary happening at the US border.

Comedy Dalek says:

I once met a darlek who confused k y jelly with super glue. I asked how it happened but her lips were sealed.

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