EMPShield installation video coming soon

2 years ago

This is a new EMPshield my ex husband just bought. It is for a older motor home. I have one in my Kia, Augie has one in his large Tundra 4×4 and also one in his RZR. He is waiting to get one for his Harley.

They make empshields for homes, vehicles, ham radios, solar systems...

The first one I bought was about 5 years ago. It was order #111. I bought one for my dads house. I ordered the wrong one🤦‍♀️ the company was so nice and helpful and took it back no problems.

A empshield is basically a large surge protector for whatever it's attached to. This is Lisa's simplified version
Technical version available on their website www.empshield.com

It will protect electronics from damage, from lighting strikes, solar flares & emp attack.

I highly recommend going to and checking out www.empshield.com read the testimonials & or call and talk to them. They are so helpful and nice.

The empshields are completely made in the USA Yay!!!!

Super easy installation. Video coming very soon.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless!

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