#12 - Jesus in the Way / The Inward Substance

2 years ago

This week we begin by discussing why Jesus gets in our way sometimes (like Paul on the road to Damascus), then we share a humorous unpublished clip from a previous week as an introduction to the question for the bottom half of our episode, "Does our inward substance match our outward show?"

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Episode Synopsis

Segment One:

*Carl talks about a lesson learned regarding "casting a wide net".
*We discuss the distinction between genuine love and fear-based "love".
**Carl connects this to divergent doctrines about "hell".
**Chris makes his own connection to the Amish tradition of rumspringa.
**We clarify the difference between fear of discipline and fear of rejection.
*What do we mean when we say Jesus gets in our way sometimes — why does He do it, and why is it important?
**Carl connects this with the analogy of a potter shattering a broken pot to make something new from the pieces.
***God is our Potter and we are the broken pieces in His hands.
**We discuss Paul's experience on the road to Damascus.
**This all highlights the space of time God allows between judgment declared and judgment applied.
***We discuss how this relates to the true meaning of being "under Grace".

Mid-Episode Song Break:

"Peace of Mind" by Mike Maranatha

Segment Two:

*Carl plays an unpublished off-air discussion with Grace from a previous week about Dino Nuggets to make a humorous connection with this week's discussion topic:
**Does our inward substance match our outward show?
**We discuss the need for sanctification to begin in the heart.
*We read through and discuss the 3rd chapter of Philippians.
**Paul is not pitting the Law of God against the Grace of God here.
***He is explaining how they relate to one another in the heart of a believer who TRUSTS in God.
**Was Paul's "thorn" (2 Corinthians 12:7) a struggle with doubt?
***How does this possibility contrast with our trust?
**Paul is pointing us toward transformation of our inward substance.
***The Commandments we obey don't necessarily change — we do.
***It is not the definition of righteousness that Paul is addressing, but our means to attaining it.
*Carl closes with a picture of the sort of sanctification and transformation we have discussed as given in the 3rd chapter of Zechariah, then Chris explains the process of remolding broken pots using the analogy of the Living Water (Jesus) applied to soften the clay (us).

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