Sisterhood Society Episode 3:

2 years ago

Tara, Kait, and Whit dive into their Enneagram numbers. Find out what they love and what they don’t about their own enneagram numbers.

Tara is a 8W7- This type is more open with emotions. Tends to be more aggressive and able to confront issues head on.

Whit is a 9W1- Listed as a dreamer. Orderly, idealist, emotionally controlled. Imaginative and creative. Unique ability to see many different viewpoints. Good at holding space for people without judgment.

Kait is a 2W3, listed as a host/hostess. Self assured, charming, flattering, ambitious, outgoing, competitive. Seek love and connection and like making others feel special.

Watch the full episode for lots of thoughts and insights on the Enneagram and the sisters personalities.

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