Anthony Fauci, Vaccines, and Big Pharma's Power - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Interview, Part 1

2 years ago

Anthony Fauci, Vaccines, and Big Pharma's Power - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Interview, Part 1

March 23, 2022

The Megyn Kelly Show

Megyn Kelly is joined by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., best-selling author and environmental lawyer, for an in-depth, two-part episode. In part one, they discuss overcoming disabilities and adversity, childhood vaccines, mercury and autism, the scientific evolution on vaccines, Anthony Fauci's history and power, how Fauci handled the AIDS epidemic, how Fauci got to his current high salary, the COVID lab leak theory and evidence, the crackdown on speculation about the lab leak early in the pandemic, Bill Gates' involvement in Africa, Big Pharma's power, tech censorship, choosing gratitude over complaining and victimhood, the story behind his voice, and more.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief legal counsel of Children's Health Defense, joined journalist and attorney Megyn Kelly on "The Megyn Kelly Show" in what she calls her longest interview ever.

Kelly called the four-hour interview "an important conversation about public health, the agencies in charge and whether we have been getting the protection we deserve from those we fund with our tax dollars."

Part 1 of the conversation — a two-hour segment titled "Fauci, Vaccines, and Big Pharma's Power" — is a deep dive into Kennedy's positions, achievements and personal history, and how these connect to his views on the environment and politics.

Kelly and Kennedy discussed Big Pharma, tech censorship, Bill Gates, COVID-19, Kennedy's new book, "The Real Anthony Fauci" and what Kelly called "the global war on democracy and public health."

Kelly recognizes that some of Kennedy's positions are considered "controversial." She said, "we want our audience to hear this discussion but to understand where Robert and his critics most differ."

Kennedy acknowledged that he's become something of a pariah among mainstream media outlets in the COVID era.

"You're very brave to have me on," Kennedy told Kelly, "because you saw what they did to Joe Rogan for having … Dr. [Robert] Malone on … and I'm the only worse person than Dr. Malone. ...Joe Rogan wouldn't put me on."

The interview also touched on Kennedy's achievements and challenges. When speaking of facing difficulties in his life — including a condition that affects his vocal cords — Kennedy said he chooses to remain positive:

"You could have two people who are... shoveling manure and one of them could be whistling and laughing and the other one could be grumbling and cursing," he said. "It's how do we choose to process our reality … do we choose to look at the glass half empty or... half full?"



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