Pilot delayed reactions post vaccination?

2 years ago

We are beginning to see the delayed results (Chronic) of the vaccine mandates. The acute results happened quickly, within 90 days, heart attacks and strokes. The subacute takes a little longer, sometimes up to a year. The chronic adverse effects occur (observed), after that. The acute adverse reactions have been ignored and covered up by the mainstream media but has given rise to a 40% increase in ‘all-cause’ mortality rates as seen from the life insurance companies. Indirect Covid has changed everything. A lot of money was spent to trick people into taking this poisoned antidote. They were successful. All of the consequences the censored experts were talking about for over a year now, or beginning to be revealed due to the high amount of incidences occurring. The censorship can no longer contain the amount of post-vaccination adverse reactions but don’t think they are not trying.

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