Tucker Carlson Tonight 23 Mar 2022

2 years ago

Really excellent monologue on the first day after Tucker Carlson gets banned from Twitter for stating a biological fact. Rather than summarizing this speech, you simply have to take the few minutes it takes to watch it. Jason Whitlock joins Tucker and adds to the conversation. Why anyone uses Twitter is beyond me. It is a flaming heap of garbage that empowers the worst of our civilization. If you don't look at Twitter, it doesn't matter what is on Twitter.
Analysis of the Powers that Be performance in conducting regime change, and their new tactic of calling anyone that calls them out "Putin Apologists". MTG joins Tucker to discuss the situation and our Congress’s response to it.
Dr. Jill (America’s greatest doctor besides Fauci) is having a reception for wives of congressmen, but if you are unvaccinated, the guidance is stand in your 6 foot social isolation bubble and don’t eat or drink anything. Very sciency.
More pregnant women (birthing persons) are using marijuana. This seems like a bad idea. Dr. Marc Siegel joins Tucker to explain why this is, in fact, a bad idea.
Clip from TC Today with Tony Robbins. Looks like it is worth a look on Fox Nation.

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