SLEEP 1 | REM dream sleep critical for detoxifying emotional memories

2 years ago
presents episode 399 | Dr Matthew Walker
Tom Bilyeu podcast

Dr Matthew Walker: deep sleep, during first half of night...
-saves and solidifies the most recent individual memories
-it is REM (rapid eye movement), 'dream sleep' that takes
these individual memories and interconnects them
-enables a revised, mind-wide web of associations, so
'you are able to divine solutions to previously
impenetrable problems'

REM sleep also provides emotional first aid...
-will take in traumatic, even painful experiences
-takes off the sharp edges, so next day they don't seem so painful
-the 'red thread' that runs from waking to dreaming life is
~emotional feelings & concerns

Dream sleep is the only time during the 24 hour period...
-where brain shuts off the stress-related chemical, noradrenaline
(neurotransmitter released into blood in response to stress...
especially that related too fight or flight)
-during dream sleep:
~emotional & memory sensors in brain
are reactivated
-doing so when brain is devoid of any of the
stress-related chemical, noradrenaline
-our theory: brain allows us to take this emotional
memory, strip away the bitter portions, thus
-provides a soothing effect

Brain saves memories in modifiable form, like saving a Word document...
-you can reconsolidate it, re-save it, now it is edited
-that is what therapy does, and what we think happens in dream sleep
'but dream sleep is a neurochemical free state that allows you
to soothe that memory as well;
like detoxifying the memory of the emotion'


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