Roswell Military Anthropamorphic Dummies Debunk Aliens??

2 years ago

*I apologize for the delay! Major tech problems, but I got a usable file all the same! New Mac arrives today! So I will continue to push for daily content. Chapters now included. If you need an additional translation, please contact me and I will provide!*


0:00:00 - Intro
0:00:30 - Welcome To Roswell!
0:03:49 - Preface
0:08:18 - Document 1: FBI Unclassified
0:10:06 - Recap Project Blue Book
0:11:36 - Document 2: GAO Report
0:12:28 - Document 3: Roswell Fact vs Fiction (Military Anthropamorphic Crash Dummies)
0:17:58 - Document 4: Roswell Case Closed
0:20:24 - Introducing Show: Roswell The Final Verdict
0:23:07 - Roswell July 2, 1947
0:23:42 - Roswell July 3-5, 1947
0:24:23 - Roswell July 6, 1947
0:29:58 - Roswell July 7, 1947 (Men In Black first appear with sworn testimonies at Roswell!!)
0:44:00 - Roswell July 8, 1947
0:57:31 - CIA Origins
0:59:44 - FBI Transmission
1:01:48 - Closing Statements

Welcome to episode 5 of Season 2![All Information Is Public Domain & Cited On Our Website Below]. We are excited to bring you part 1 of Roswell. We vet out sources from Black Vault from the UAP/UFO saga. In these documents they discuss Anthropamorphic-Crash-Dummies[We Joke About These Dolls For Comedic Relief]. We will take a look at these Crash-Dummies and their origin in further episodes(awards were given to parites inventing the crash dummies). In addition we take a look at the Roswell: The Final Verdict Series to cross reference dates/locations/times. This is the first instance of using AI to vet outliers on the discussion of UAP we are aware of. This provides context and clarity to topic and build a robust outline of events.

All sources are backed up on our website.

Trick O'Moore
Father Bliss


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