Incredible close up footage of baby humpback whale and his mother

2 years ago

Tonga is one of the few places in the world where people can get into the water with Humpback whales. To swim in the presence of such magnificent animals is beyond awe inspiring. This mother humpback has come to these peaceful waters to have her baby, safe from predators such as orcas and large sharks. A newborn calf would be easy prey for such animals.

The humpback cow will nurse her calf for several months before he is big enough and strong enough to follow her north to colder waters where they will feed of small fish, krill, and shrimp. He will eat enormous amounts in this time to put on as much weight as possible.

A large male, also known as a bull, can be seen with the mother and her baby. These males are known as escorts. They will often wait patiently, protecting the young family in the hope that it will secure him breeding rights when the time comes for the female to mate again.

Humpback whales are enormous and majestic animals, growing to a length of 17m (56 feet) and weighing as much as 44 metric tons.
Humpbacks migrate almost 16,000km (10,000 miles) each year between the polar waters where they feed and the tropical waters where they breed and give birth.

Humpbacks use sophisticated vocalizations, known as singing to communicate with other whales. These songs can be heard as far as 10km (6 miles) away. The purpose of these complex songs has been the topic of debate.

Once hunted to near extinction, the humpback populations are making a slow comeback. Pollution, net entanglement, and collisions with ships are still serious threats to these beautiful animals.

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