Penny Stock Newbies Beware (but don’t be scared)...

3 years ago

When I first got started in the stock market almost two decades ago, the first area of the market I ventured into was penny stocks. I was a total penny stock newbie and had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know what I didn’t know and that certainly causes me to walk myself into some money losing situations. In other words, I am not doing this video from a place of arrogance where I talk down to you, but rather, a place of humility given I’ve been punched in the face several times by penny stocks. So while I want you to be aware of this area of the penny stock arena, I also don’t want you to be scared. When you begin to understand the dynamics behind certain situations, you’ll better know how to behave yourself, which should be prompting confidence on your part, not fear. I should also note, everything I talk about here can (and should) be applied to the world of cryptocurrency and in particular, alt-coins. These are the same tactics being used. The quickest way to remove the newbie label from yourself as a trader is to learn and gain as much knowledge as possible. Whenever you see any kind of penny stock advertisement or newsletter, don’t be scared, but understand that THIS is going on...

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