God's Great Reset: A Prophetic Perspective | Michael Bacon | Season 2: Ep. 17

2 years ago

Our guest for this week is Michael Bacon. Michael is a pastor that operates in the apostolic and runs Freedom Life Church down in North Carolina. God has blessed this man with, not only prophetic insite for the nation, but an apostolic move of the spirit for equipping the saints in their calling. Michael will also talk about changes that God is doing in their church, along with a new book that was recently placed on his heart. Michael will give a brief testimony on how God has moved in other countries and what that means for the United States.

Books by Michael Bacon:

Facebook: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.xulonpress.com%2Fbookstore%2Fbookdetail.php%3FPB_ISBN%3D9781545656600%26HC_ISBN%26fbclid%3DIwAR0qTzjsuq4Pm3k0GhvTBRl8UpftM1YmR1tRc_3g2B6rG62aJwcDzT7AgLw&h=AT1fHeo7SMKxGGuQFoFm-B1P5GbMsAH9BUxSSaat_MbEJdPugIJKo-Ye60iZMj9MLKMOwSCnjtfvogEqdzCL2PLurzj-9EgWgV8b6KDabvvYPY1yWHfcaK6EMM-tZtnBt0YuBy1XY1I

Online: https://www.xulonpress.com/bookstore/bookdetail.php?PB_ISBN=9781498404433

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