The Eye of The Illuminati

3 years ago

Day by day, year by year, events are unfolding according to a multi-generational plan that was made over 240 years-ago by a small group of Freemasons who called themselves "The Illuminati" (the enlightened ones), but those men weren't really enlightened at all. They're were simply evil, and so too are their descendants who are still following that anti-human, anti-Christian plan that seeks to destroy and enslave all of humanity under the jackboot of a Technocratic, one-world government that they call the New World Order.
While the Illuminati Movement was began on May 1, 1776 by just three men, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Jacob Frank, and Adam Weishaupt, over the past two centuries, the power center of this group has congealed itself into something called the "World Revolution Movement" that's now being spear-headed by the four wealthiest families on Earth--The House of Rothschild, The House of Rockefeller, the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (a.k.a. House of Windsor), and the House of Warburg. It is these four families, as well as 9 other hereditary elite families who have owned all of the world's central banks for more than 100 years.
Because they were unconstitutionally given the exclusive power to issue U.S. currency by traitors within our nation's federal government in 1913, they have since used the unlimited amounts of credit and currency that that they've had at their disposal to buy up ownership and/or control of the entire world, and I mean everything--the banks, the top 2,000 corporations, our nation's education system, our government, our intelligence services, our health care systems, our churches, our food supply, our natural rersouces, our energy resources, and most importantly, 98% of the world's mass media, which they use as a social engineering tool.
It took multiple generations for these men and their descendents to accomplish this mammoth task, but they finally did. It is those Thirteen Families (about 800 people in all) who now own the plantation that you live on. It is they who have been shaping the destiny of mankind. It is they who are destroying European civilizations wherever they exist on Earth, first by destroying every foundation that once held those societies up, and made them the most homogenous, virtuous, and prosperous societies that ever existed in human history, and then transforming them into the polyglot, debauched, dependent, and broken societies that you see today.
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