Newly opened 4,700 year old tomb with 2 levels of technology clearly shown.

2 years ago

This month March 2022 the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities made an announcement that they had found some Old Kingdom and intermediary period Tombs in Saqqara that date back as far as 2,700bce.
That alone would be fabulous news of immense interest to history and archeology buffs but the amazing thing is there are 2 levels of technology clearly evident in the photos.

I am constantly searching for evidence regarding dream regressions I have had all my life and this seems to me to be a great example of some of the things I have seen in my regressions. I firmly believe that the dynastic Egyptians reused sites they found from an earlier era. It is that earlier that I my regressions are all about.

You can find me on YouTube as Prior World. But I will eventually be putting my episodes on here too.


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