Miami Beach declares State of Emergency over spring break shootings

2 years ago

It never ceases to amaze me, how people continue to ignore the fact.

The world is falling apart all around them, right before they're very eyes....

People continue to unnecessarily put their lives in danger.

We are in the end times, instead of preparing, or turning their life around to Jesus.

They want to continue on partying, even if it may be their last party they attend.

It's just like Jesus forewarned over 2,000 years ago.

That in the end times it will be like the days of Noah, where violence, death, lawlessness, and endless partying abounded.

Then it was over for all those that were stuck on stupid, and ignorance...

The time to get right with Jesus was yesterday! Don't delay anymore!!!

"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."
Archangel Michael

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