Whilst We Watch Ukraine! (Cabal's Last Stand) Out With The Old, In With The New Plus...

2 years ago

The Age of Aquarius is here! - A MUST WATCH/LISTEN to understand humanities next foot-steps as Rothschild's sell up, the deep-state turn on themselves, Petrodollar closed, The New Internet ready to roll-out, New Dollar ready to arrive, QFS ready to roll-out, Project Sandman, Operation Z, Goldilocks, Bonds expire, China & Russia now gold backed with SWIFT ending, FIAT US Dollar stopped in international trading, IRS dead, Israelis to move in to Ukraine as soon as Ukrainians leave, Huge technology upgrade once deep-state cabal are exposed to the public, Borders of Europe to change, NATO to end, White Hats to begin war crime trials, China destroying 5G towers as quick as the Cabal erect them, Brittany Spears, Biden's doubles, Washington DC closed since 2021, Both of Earth's poles are over-heating by corrupt design NOT natural, US Funded China Bio-Labs Exposed, Nancy Pelosi, Global Trucker Protests, Global fuel and goods, Germany to run out of energy if they continue to back USA, Millions of new jobs shall be created with the huge technology upgrade including the end of 19th/20th Century medicine 'as we know it', New lockdown's for banning cars driving on curtain day's ready to roll-out, Ukrainian truth bomb for people supporting Ukrainian far-right agenda, Arnold Schwarzenegger exposed, Gold to fall back to the 1970's value, Sanctions freeze bank accounts of 'crimes against humanity' people, The end of debt and corruption 'as we know it', Stolen money shall be returned to the people, USA to become the worlds richest country, Operation Lockstep, Bank Merging to be backed by gold, Evergreen Ship, Hunter Biden's lap-top, Ripple & Stella to step up and become the first new digital asset backed currency backed by gold, Rods-of-God, The 3 Gorges Dam, Whiplash 347, Tesla Technology incoming, Obama, George Soros, Dombas, Mike Flynn, Russia Hoax, Bill Clinton's private flights, George Bush, Bitcoin to rise and then crash, Trafficking, Food Shortages, The next internet was meant to be the cabal's Great Reset linking health records etc, Taiwan and China could become the next fake war, Fukushima, Mass arrests have begun within the deep-state as they now either be arrested or flip to the other side and spill their intel, No more human shields, Zelensky bans all 11 opposition parties in Ukraine, WEF and much much more!


[MIRRORED] from https://www.bitchute.com/video/6k7DcfgBcFzG/

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