The Temple and the Millennium

3 years ago

For more info about the post-trib rapture:

For more info about Preterism:

For an outline of the events of Revelation:

This sermon was preached on 1-11-15 by Pastor Sam Adams at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, Florida. This is the sixth of six messages in the sermon series titled "Alas, Babylon". Bible text: Ezekiel 44:1-5 and Jeremiah 23:5-6. This message is Part 7 of a 7-part series of messages on Bible prophecy promoting the thesis that the seven seal judgments of the book of Revelation were NOT fulfilled in history, but are about to be loosed; that the time of great tribulation that Christ spoke will likely commence in just a few short years. No sermon series on Bible prophecy would be complete without a topical exposition of the (soon to be rebuilt) Temple in Jerusalem, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and the Millennial Reign of Christ on this earth. In this message we show (1) why the Temple must be rebuilt; that a rebuilt Temple on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem is not only central to the beliefs and aspirations of both orthodox and conservative Judaism, but also comprises the core foundation upon which all of Luciferian Freemasonry is built, and which drives the globalists' (and the Vatican's) fundamental goal to control Jerusalem. It is this "controversy of Zion" that will ultimately spark World War III and bring all the nations of the earth to battle against Jerusalem (Zechariah 14).

This message then explains, (2) when the "marriage supper of the Lamb" occurs, and (3) why it is, that despite the skeptical doubts of the preterists and amillennialists, there MUST be a literal thousand year reign of Christ on this earth. In the end, Christ has NOT surrendered this planet to the devil; He WILL get the victory, He WILL execute judgment and righteousness "in the earth" as Jeremiah and other prophets declare, and the earth WILL be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as waters cover the sea.

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