The Jesus Every Muslim Needs to Know: Answering Obama & the UN-OIC

2 years ago

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 10/7/12 at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, Florida. Bible text: Matthew
-17. The most important question in the universe was asked by the Lord Jesus of His disciples: "BUT WHOM SAY YE THAT I AM?"

This past Sept. 21, 2012, after condemning the anti-Mohammed video that allegedly sparked a mob attack on the US Embassy in Libya and murder of the Ambassador, Iran's Grand Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani unleashed a ferocious attack on the person of the Lord Jesus, stating that if it were not for the Quran, Jesus would not be worthy of God’s heavens, and that the only reason Jesus is regarded as holy is due to Muhammad, stating: "If there was no Quran, then as the Bible and the Torah have it, Jesus the son of Miriam is a bastard and a bastard will be forbidden from the heavens of God, and so the high place of Jesus is due to the existence of the Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet by God."

In stark contrast, the following day, in a speech to the UN on Sept. 25, current US president Barak Hussein Obama said this: "THE FUTURE MUST NOT BELONG TO THOSE WHO SLANDER THE PROPHET OF ISLAM."

Then on Sept. 29, the spokesman for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a body of 57 Muslim nations seeking gobal anti-blasphemy laws, demanded a UN resolution outlawing any criticism of Islam; and this even as Khorasani, regarded as the most powerful "holy man" of Islam, openly blasphemes the one true God.

In answer to these statements, this message presents to Mr. Obama, to Mr. Khorasani, to every Muslim, and also to every Mormon, Hindu, Bhuddist, New Ager, and unbelieving Jew or Gentile alike, the REAL Jesus to whom they will one day answer in final judgment, in the hope that they will repent, renounce their false religion, and find eternal life in Him.


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