Nuremberg 2.0 should be the outcome for the criminal actions of the FDA, CDC, and Big Pharma

2 years ago

Source:: (telegram channel)

N0 informed consent on the damage the jab causes has ever been released, yet they knew what that damage was as far back as October 2020.. Starting with the FDA - CDC - BIg Pharma - ALL OF THEM know the side effects of this shot were adverse health life changing events, including death, and never revealed these facts, So no "informed consent" was possible for the public because we had NO INFORMATION on the shot outcome.

The Jabs are bioweapons and should be pulled from the market immediately. Anyone in the process of administering these killing shots is subject to prison and possible execution via the rules of Nuremberg which specifically states no one can be administered any medication without complete disclosure of the risks and the informed consent of those anyone who might receive those medications.

That informed consent was absent with the jab, so everyone in the distribution pipeline is guilty of crimes against humanity and should be prosecuted at the recently started Nuremberg trials.

Gitmo and other facilities are, in fact, bursting at the seams and they should be even more crowded in upcoming months...

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