There's ONE Chosen People, NOT TWO

3 years ago

This sermon was preached on 12/07/13 by Pastor Sam Adams at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, Florida. This is the second of six sermons in the series "Heresies of C.I. Scofield."

Bible text: John
-16; Ephesians

Since 1909 the Scofield Reference Bible has enjoyed great popularity - despite the fact that Scofield's notes contain many blatant, serious, and even "damnable" heresies, including 4 separate gospels in the N.T. era and dismissal of Christ's teachings as being irrelevant to the Church. This series of messages refutes Scofield's doctrines from a balanced historic (a.k.a. "classical") premillennial perspective, aiming to correct the hyper-dispensational brand of premillennialism that Scofield popularized, along with his false views of the Kingdom, of the Church and Israel, of Christ's message and ministry, and of the very Gospel itself.

Part 2 in the series disputes Scofield's heresy that there are 2 separate chosen peoples of God - Israel and the Church - which appears to form the basis and agenda behind Scofield's entire dispensational system, and behind his most damnable heresy - that there must be multiple gospels to accommodate unbelieving Jews, for them to retain status as "God's chosen people," to provide for them an earthly kingdom, and to promote the agenda of those whom the Lord Jesus referred to in Rev 2:9 and 3:9 as “them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

The New Testament is clear: there is only ONE chosen people of God who all share ONE destiny - there is to be ONE fold with ONE shepherd (John 10); there is ONE Olive tree with ONE root (Rom. 11); Christ has made of twain ONE new man in joining Gentiles with "the commonwealth of Israel" (Eph. 2-3). As such, no unbelieving Jew can call himself one of God's chosen people.

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