By the Rivers of Babylon: In Memorial of America (Original)

2 years ago

For more info about America, the Babylon:

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 5/27/12 at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, Florida. Bible text: Psalm 137. A Memorial Day message, in memorial of the America that once was.

In Psalm 137 the Israelite captives in Babylon who had witnessed the horrific and terrifying destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar's armies lament the loss of their nation and of their beloved city. Today those of us who remember the America that once was do the same.

This message was preached on the eve of Memorial Day 2012, a holiday established after the Civil War to honor and commemorate the fallen soldiers of that war. On this day the current American president will likely give a token speech at Arlington National Cemetery, giving token honor to the many brave heroes that truly did bravely give their lives for what he will likely call, "the freedoms that Americans now enjoy." And this from a man who has sold his soul to the devil to destroy those very freedoms those brave men died for, the beloved freedoms that now, after the Federal Reserve Act, the Social Security Act, GATT, NAFTA, Patriot Acts 1 & 2, and now the NDAA, are no more than a nostalgic memory that have also fallen as did those brave men.

The message is an exhortation to remember - and to teach our children to remember - the America that once was; to remember what God did in the past for America, so they will not complacently accept the new police-state America that has been besieged, plundered, and parsed out to its enemies.

It is also an exhortation to prepare for the America that is coming - and the certain judgment of Almighty God on a nation He once blessed, but that sadly forgot Him. Please listen to the message.


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