FREE INDEED, But NOT as Americans: the Rise of Despotism in America

2 years ago

Preached by Pastor Sam Adams on his radio show, "True Gospel Broadcast" on 7/13/14.

Bible text: Isaiah 59:1-21 and John

While memorializing the great act of Congress of July 4, 1776, the unanimous Declaration of independence from Britain, this message also remembers and recounts how that same Congress has since renewed that same despotism and tyranny it was initially convened to eradicate. Americans are now living under the chains of slavery forged at the time of the Civil war, and the political and legislative process of the last 150 years has only served to make those chains much heavier and much stronger.

The American People celebrated their supposed freedom this past 4th of July with fireworks and patriotic music; but most of those same people are so brainwashed by the controlled media that they are oblivious to their own slavery. As in Isaiah's day, "truth has fallen in the street," and "equity cannot enter" - and those that try to proclaim the truth that America has been reduced to an absolute despotism are seen as fringe radicals, and thus "make themselves a prey" as Isaiah said.

There IS however a remedy; you CAN be free and have true liberty today, but there is only one source for true freedom and true liberty. "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

[Expanded introduction and closing with gospel message added for LWRN broadcast on 7/13/14]

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