The Game

2 years ago

The Moors Created Civilization and this is fact, but history have been changed around to say otherwise, it’s true that the Moorish Washitaw Nation is the oldest civilization on earth, UNFHR 215/93, so don’t let Wikipedia and the dummies who run it, fool you with that yak, they hadn’t got here yet, study real history history and you will know how can we be a part of the Moorish Science Temple Of America, when Prophet Noble Drew Ali didn’t bring it to this land until 1913, we are Moorish French Washitaws, original man, we don’t deal with religions, we believe in Spirituality, we know some things are a bitter pill for some to swallow, and we are bringing the truth about the earth (Africa), 83% of all Native American Blood is of Moorish descent, Jimmy Hendrix the greatest rock guitarist of all times was a full blooded Cherokee, but they called him black but there is no such people as black people in this dimension, the Moorish Washitaw Nation was on this land of west Africa a 100,000 years before columbus came, truth & not fiction, we came from the stars to this dimension which is just one of two dimensions, they are twins, we are the chosen ones, chosen by Elohim the great spirit of the Universe to be first and bring you Moorish Science which mean knowledge, we only want 1% of our star people, the other 99% would be like trying to catch the wind and paint it red, a purpose defeating itself, Peace & Love To Human Kind

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