A Kingdom Divided

3 years ago

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 12/30/12 at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, Florida. This is the fourth of four messages in the series titled "Heresies in the Scofield Bible". Bible text: Matthew
; John
. Since 1909 the Scofield Reference Bible has enjoyed great popularity, despite the fact that Scofield's notes contain many blatant, "damnable" heresies, including 4 gospels in the N.T. era and dismissal of Christ's teachings as being irrelevant to the Church. This series of messages refutes Scofield's doctrines from a balanced premillennial perspective, aiming to correct the hyper-dispensational brand of premillennialism that Scofield popularized, along with his false views of the Church and Israel, of Christ's message and ministry, and of the Gospel itself.

This message refutes the "divided kingdom" heresy that C.I. Scofield concocted out of thin air, that the Kingdom of God must be distinguished from the Kingdom of Heaven. Scofield did this for the sole purpose of alleging that the "gospel of the kingdom" preached by the Lord Jesus was a different gospel than that preached by the Apostles, and to allow for a separate kingdom for Israel from that occupied by the Church. This message outlines why the gospel preached by Christ is the same as that preached by the Apostles, and proves that the phrases "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Kingdom of God" are synonymous terms, used interchangeably; and explains how the Kingdom should correctly be seen: as (1.a) a present spiritual reality where Christ reigns here and now over all His saints, (1.b) a present visible reality where Christ reigns through His Church, (2) having a future literal fulfillment on this earth where Christ WILL reign visibly and in person for a thousand years, and (3) a future eternal state in heaven.

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