Francis' Fatima "Consecration" - invocation or provocation? New Order confession? Making a good general confession! Vatican II heresies?

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In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele address many viewer questions such as the following: going to confession in Novus Ordo churches; seeking pre-vatican 2 priests who still have the faith; leaving the Novus Ordo church; living far away from traditional Catholic churches; the importance of spiritual communions; praying for perfect contrition; working on holy days; guidelines for making a general confession — how to prepare, how to confess, what sins to confess, praying for the graces to do it well, caution about scrupulosity, getting help from a priest; implicit versus explicit heresy in Vatican 2 documents; can non-Catholics be saved through their own religions?; pundits who spin Novus Ordo teachings to make them compatible with Catholic tradition; Francis’ repeated doctrinal errors with no apparent will to correct them. In a second segment of this episode Father reads the text of Francis’ consecration of Russia and Ukraine and contrasts it with Pope Pius XII’s consecration in 1952; the sins that Francis lists versus those decried by Pius XII; Francis’ naturalistic concerns versus Pius XII’s supernatural perspective; Francis' prayer for social peace versus Pius XII's prayer for repentance and conversion to the Catholic faith; and dangers for those who would put their hopes in the consecration of Francis, who has publicly blasphemed, sanctioned the worship of pachamama, and affirmed that God wills all religions. Finally, Father reminds and encourages us to make personal consecrations of ourselves and our families to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This video was livestreamed on 3/22/2022.
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