Jesus' Final Week According to All Four Gospels - Part Ten

2 years ago

The 12th day of the Jewish month of Abib, continued

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Jesus' final week according to the four gospels:

Scriptures for reading:


* Your heavenly Father does not require you to destroy yourself financially in order to help someone else.

* If God has blessed you with enough for yourself and your family, but no more, it's OK. Be thankful for the gift you have, and enjoy it.

* ...and if He has blessed you with more than enough, and you see a brother in need, share your blessing with him, as the Lord leads you to do it.

* There are no second chances to prepare to meet God. This life is it, for you and for me.

* In the parable of the ten virgins, Jesus called five of these ten virgins foolish in spite of them doing every single thing the Wise did, except bring extra oil.

* The single difference between the wise and foolish virgins was this:

The wise acknowledged the Bridegroom's absolute freedom to do whatever he wanted to do, at all times and in every situation, including -- and this is key -- doing something other than what he said he would do if that is what pleased him.

* The wise virgins' extra vessels of oil were evidence of their knowledge of and submission to the Bridegroom. By taking that extra oil, they were saying, "The Bridegroom is our Master.. We do only what pleases him, and he does only what pleases himself."

* The only reason you believed the gospel of Jesus is that it pleased God to touch your heart.

* God drew you to His Son, and He did it only because He wanted to! God wanted you to be in His family!

* ...And then, the only reason you repented was that it pleased God to make your heart feel a godly sorrow for your sins.

* ...And for the same reason, you were given the holy Ghost.

* Doing right things without having right relationships is devilish.

* Before Jesus came, everything the Bible tells us Satan did was right. You will not find one verse that reveals that Satan did anything wrong. That is how he has deceived the whole world -- and himself.

* Satan is the god of man's religions, which all teach people to do right things instead of telling them how to be made right with God.

* The wise value their only chance at life!

* To sum it all up, the Foolish Virgins of Jesus' parable are children of God who do not know him.

* It is a wonderful thing to know the Bible, of course, but after we know it, let's make every effort to know God, that is, become acquainted with the way He thinks and the way He feels.

* To be led by the Spirit is to know God.

* Then, Jesus describes the Final Judgment in another way: with the parable of the talents.

* An "unprofitable" servant of God is one who, in the end, had only what he had received from God in the beginning. The unprofitable servant does not testify to what God has done for him, and does not grow in the knowledge of God.

* Men did not decide the time of Jesus' crucifixion. God did, and Jesus knew it.

* Men did not decide any of Jesus' times. And men do not decide any of yours.

* All your times are in your heavenly Father's hands.

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