Elon Musk: Friend or Foe?

3 years ago

I have followed Elon for years now and understand fully what the has dropped in the interviews here. Essentially he has lied like every other mogul. He acts like a human, but the motives he uses to get to us is unknown.

I find he says alot to keep his audience as he wants more positive notes from the truthers. However when we see him talking about the same symbiotic relationship that Klaus schwab says, I can't help but feel like he has his own motivational factors. Elon Musk has Lied before as you see in the first 10 minutes of the video. Can you understand now why I made this?

I made this to say I think he is neither with or against us, but another player in this game of chess they play for control of our souls. Sure, he may be an individual, but how long before the power to remap brains gets to his head?

How long until he becomes the next threat? We know he can do this stuff, we talk about it but it seems no one fully understands the ability of his amazing technology. He has principles that are like Akihiko Kayaba Of Sword Art Online. The anime refers to akihiko as a genius at first, where he invents a device that would revolutionize medical science and even more so, control over others.

In Sword Art Online they trap people within a similar tech to what musk is designing. In that tale, it says he locked the ability to leave the subconscious space, whoever dies inside dies for real, as microwave signals fry the brain. This sounds similar to a brief mention of nueralink overriding brains. I do not think he is our enemy now, but will be soon. He seems to be setting up the matrix.

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