03/22/22 Tue. Ketanji Onyika! Pray for J6'ers! Gay/Trans Agenda!

2 years ago

Ketanji Onyika Jackson married a white man, RINOs kiss up! Pray for J6 persecuted patriots! The Gay/Trans Agenda, targeting children!
0:00:00 Tue, Mar 22, 2022
0:01:38 Hey, guys!
0:04:32 Ketanji
0:28:06 WILLIAM: Shoutout Azz, Ketanji
0:35:56 Supers: Insurrection, Dave Rubin, Ukraine
0:44:39 JOE, PDX: Racial discrimination
0:51:21 J6 patriots
0:59:01 "I Don't Wanna Go out with Her" - Huntingtons
1:02:18 Reading chat
1:06:20 Gay/Trans Agenda
1:18:17 ALEXANDER: 20yo anti-racist Democrat
1:23:34 LORD GRIM: Trans Agenda
1:30:04 Always hell: Will Thomas
1:36:35 Supers: Kumbaya, Will stinks
1:41:43 MAZE: Colored lady judge!
1:51:55 DONNING ARMOUR: POC antiwhite
1:54:35 Supers: Debate! Colored, Maze
1:58:36 "Sharp" - Jeremy Korpas

The Hake Report, Tuesday, March 22, 2022 AD: Pro-CRT black female "judge" Ketanji Onyika Brown Jackson has a white husband, and gets kissed-up to by RINO males! // Pray for the J6 patriots persecuted by the state! // Various examples of the Gay/Trans Agenda: Cowardly RINOs, Will Thomas, Rachel Levine… // INTERESTING CALLS: Affirmative Action Supreme Court Justice, trans madness, and the attack on children and whites! (SEE BELOW) //

ANNOUNCEMENT: Catch The Crucible on Weds, Mar 24, 6 PM PT: Bastiat vs Hake on "Individual Freedom" https://youtu.be/PRfOV-KpgMw || https://twitch.tv/t_crucible

MUSIC: "I Don't Wanna Go out with Her" - Huntingtons - Plastic Surgery (2000, Tooth and Nail Records) // "Sharp" - Jeremy Korpas - YouTube Audio Library (Chris selection) //

William from California shouts out Azzmador's history lesson yesterday, talks Ketanji //
Joe from Portland, OR says Joe Biden violated 1964 civil rights act picking a black woman //
Alexander from CA says he's anti-racist, white, 20, and now a Democrat! //
Lord Grim from DC says the world is a mess supporting the trans agenda //
Maze from Dayton, OH challenges James's disagreement with the "colored" lady judge //
Donning Armour from CA puffs up against "antiwhite pig" Maze for saying people of color! //

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2022/3/22/032222-tue-the-hake-report

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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