Unexploded Navy Mines Floating Freely In The Western Black Sea Towards NATO Waters.

2 years ago

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Unexploded Navy Mines Floating Freely In The Western Black Sea
Towards NATO Waters. Risk of Collateral Damage in the North Western
Black Sea. Russia warned that mines that Ukrainians had deployed in
the Black Sea against its 'military operation" could drift as far as the
Straits of Bosphorus and the Mediterranean Sea. After the start of the
Russian special military operation, Ukrainian naval forces had deployed
barriers of mines around the ports of Odessa, Ochakov, Chernomorsk
and Yuzhny. The mines were "dilapidated" and made in the first half of
the 20th century. Storms have cut cables to some of those mines that
are now floating freely in the western Black Sea, pushed along by wind
and the currents. The possibility is not ruled out that the Ukrainian navy
intentionally allowed the release of certain naval mines. They should drift
on the sea currents towards NATO waters. Given the direction of the
currents the floating of the mines toward the Bosphrous and then on to
the Mediterranean is not excluded. It is possible that soon, on the beach
of the Black Sea, near Romania and Bulgaria, we will see such images.

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