Klaus Schwab and the Schwabian apocalypse: we are here to design the future, the Great Narrative

2 years ago

Credit Instagram's @conservativestoners with this footage from a 2021 World Economic Forum event somewhere in Arabia, likely the UAE if we discern correctly the coat of arms [0] in the background of the rostrum, which is occupied by speaker Klaus Schwab.

Schwab here makes a good point: "how we define the story of our world for the future".. "we are here to develop the Great Narrative". Various other people have mentioned that the English is a language for "spell-casting", and we are beginning to see it as such. Remember the first verse of the Book of John: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

We are in no doubt that Schwab can speak the future into being because he has the ear of the powerful.

We ask here: is the Schwabian future one that we desire for our children?

This right here, these collected words of ours, are the Schwabian apocalypse, the Great Revelation.

[0] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Emblem_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg

[1] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%201%3A1&version=NIV

[2] see "HISTORICAL USAGE OF APOCALYPSE" section of https://www.dictionary.com/browse/apocalypse

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