Death / suicide by experimental toxin injection not covered by French life insurer

2 years ago

See this article for more information:

France: Court rules COVID vaccine-related death a suicide - Athens News

That article also links to the following:

The latter mentions another interesting case not discussed in the video. German accident insurance from ADAC does NOT cover injuries from mass vaccination, so if you black out after getting injected and have an accident, the claim will be denied. This is mentioned on the following page of the insurer's website (in German):

The entire relevant text, translated to English, is as follows (see bullet point 4):

Accident insurance does not cover the following accidents:

* If you have an accident due to impaired consciousness as a result of drug use
* If you have an accident while driving a motor vehicle due to impaired consciousness as a result of alcohol consumption (with a blood alcohol content of 1.1 per mille or more).
* The damage to health is intentionally caused by you.
* Vaccination damage due to ordered mass vaccinations.
* Accidents while actively participating in motor sport competitions or training sessions.
* Accidents caused by war or civil war events


Note the contents of the list in which vaxx damage is mentioned: severe intoxication due to drugs or alcohol, intentional harm, high risk motor sports, and wars. The COVID injections seem right at home here.

In the remainder of the original video (which I cut off), dr. Peterson Pierre claims that U.S. "life insurance policies may deny payment if you die from the COVID-19 vaccine, because they are experimental drugs". I could not find any confirmation on this claim, but could find references which seemingly point to the contrary, such as:

The Forbes article mentions that, for insurance purposes, any treatment that has received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is not an experimental or Investigational New Drug (IND). The following advice from the Forbes article seems sound to me:

"If you are still worried that the Covid-19 vaccine will somehow jeopardize your life insurance, here’s an idea. Try calling your insurance company directly or maybe even several insurance companies. Ask them if getting the vaccine will affect your life insurance coverage in any way."

Better yet: make sure to get their response in writing.

As an aside, I remember many reports in 2020 from American business owners who had paid boatloads of premiums for business continuity insurance. This insurance is supposed to pay out if you are forced to shut down your business, including, explicitly stated, from epidemics or pandemics. However, in many cases, the insurers did not pay.


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