The Folly and SIN of Stubbornness: Pathway to Destruction

2 years ago

An important message from the Old Testament account of King Saul's prideful disobedience and stubbornness, showing that stubbornness itself - refusing correction when one is dead wrong - is not only the worst character trait a person can have, but is probably the one sin that God hates above all others. A stubborn heart insists on going the wrong way and refuses to listen to any counsel to the contrary. Stubbornness is what keeps people from acknowledging their sin, from listening to correction, and from coming to the cross. It leads directly to:
1. Separation - from God, from family, and from friends
2. Hardship - God resists the proud and sees to it that he has a hard road ending in defeat
3. Deception - stubbornness leads to idolatry false doctrine, ALL of which is idolatry. A stubborn man who insists on following false doctrine and refuses correction becomes an idolater
4. Depression - as in the life of King Saul
5. Destruction - its ultimate end, as it was for Saul.

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 5-20-2018 at Independence Baptist Church in Ocala, Florida. Bible text: 1 Samuel 15:1-23; Proverbs 29:1.

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