The Origins of Islam - 4.3 A New Religion: Muhammad I & Muhammad II

2 years ago

In this video, we are looking at the evolution of "Muhammad" from being a title for Jesus to being the name of the prophet of Islam. this will also explain how the anti-Trinitarian Christian religion of the Arabs could evolve into a new religion which we know today as Islam.

#Quran #Islam #Origin #History #Education #Religion #Arabic #Christian #Trinity #Trinitarian #Church #al-Malik #Muhammad #Jesus #al-Mamun

References for this episode:

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Goldziher, Ignaz. "Islamisme et Parsisme", In: Revue de l'Histoire des Religions. Tome 43. Ernest Leroux, 1901, pp. 1–29.

Groß, Markus. "Early Islam: An alternative scenario of its emergence". In: Routledge Handbook on Early Islam. Routledge, 2017, pp. 311–326.

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Kerr, Robert M. "Der Islam, die Araber und die Hiǧra". In: Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion III: Die heilige Stadt Mekka - eine literarische Fiktion. Inârah Vol. 7. 2014,
pp. 46–51.

Kerr, Robert M. "«Farüqter Heiland» et le Haǧǧ original à Jérusalem - Quelques remarques sur le messianisme de l'islam naissant". In: Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion VI: Vom umayyadischen Christentum zum abbasidischen Islam. Inârah Vol. 10. Schiler, 2021,
pp. 458–507.

Luxenberg, Christoph. "A New Interpretation of the Arabic Inscription in Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock'" In: The Hidden Origins of Islam: New Research Into its Early History. Prometheus Books, 2010, pp. 125–151.

Ohlig, Karl-Heinz. "Evidence of a New Religion in Christian Literature Under Islamic Rule". In: Early Islam: A Critical Reconstruction based on Contemporary Sources. Prometheus Books, 2013, pp. 176–250.

Ohlig, Karl-Heinz. "Von Bagdad nach Merw: Geschichte, rückwärts gelesen". In: Vom Koran zum Islam. Inârah Vol. 4. Schiler, 2009, pp. 29–106.

Popp, Volker. "`From Ugarit to Sāmarrā: An Archeological Journey on the Trail of Ernst Herzfeld". In: Early Islam: A Critical Reconstruction Based on Contemporary Sources. Prometheus Books, 2013, pp. 17–124.

Reynolds, Gabriel Said. The Emergence of Islam: Classical traditions in contemporary perspective. Fortress Press, 2012.

Tertullianus, Q.S.F. and F. Oehler. Quinti Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Opera Omnia. T. O. Weigel, 1854.

The "Origin of Islam" series is intended to provide a big-picture look at how Islam started, where it came from, how it evolved and how we ended up with the religion we know of today. I'm introducing the historical critical method as it's applied to the Quran and paint a new narrative based on primary evidence and linguistic analysis.
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