WHO Turned Out. . . (Bearer of Light)

2 years ago


In 2020, Americans voted for the science, and, empirically, Christian brothers and sisters, with 45% professing any faith belief at all in Virginia, compared to two thirds nationwide, your great faith notwithstanding, your resurrected Savior is a big loser.

In Virginia's 8th Congressional District, after capturing 75% of the vote in the election of his lifetime, Don Beyer, Jr., after years of expressing frustration with leaders who had used the Bible to promote bad ideas and policies, accepted the invitation of the atheist club in Congress, the Congressional Free Thought Caucus, because evidently, Christians don't make reason-based decisions, and, call it coincidence, but 20% of places of worship that voluntarily declared themselves nonessential in a pandemic will never reopen, Bible reading, despite record sales at the beginning of the pandemic, was at an all-time low, and, despite reports that as many as 24% of atheists had begun praying at the beginning of the pandemic, finding even Cheryl Chumley at the Washington Times singing Hallelujahs and Hosannas, apparently their prayers were answered, finding those who express no faith affiliation, who had already surpassed the Roman Catholic Church as the largest "faith denomination", bounding by six points, exactly half the loss in the faith over the past decade, after the pandemic.

And, when the prayers of an atheist are more effective than those in the faith, like the novel coronavirus, measured in nanoparticle units, but bigger than your God, Amanda Chase clouds that look like angels not withstanding, even Einstein believed the language of God was in math, and God may be trying to tell you something. Do the math.

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