Dr. Shelton & Sue Grey - EVIDENCE of Nanotechnology & Graphene Oxide in COVID-19 Injections

2 years ago

March 21, 2022
Source: www.rumble.com/vy0fic-dr.-shelton-and-sue-grey-evidence-of-nanotechnology-and-graphene-oxide-in-c.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mariazeee&ep=2

Dr. Matt Shelton and Lawyer Sue Grey from New Zealand joined Zeee Media to show us evidence submitted to them by four separate groups of New Zealand scientists who have examined Pfizer COVID-19 injection vials under a microscope.

This evidence has been carefully examined, and shows self-assembling nanotechnology that appears to be forming into micro-computers in as little as fifteen minutes, as well as graphene oxide in the Pfizer vials - a matter that has been dismissed by many Fact Checker organisations.

They have submitted this evidence to police, MP's and other government officials with zero response. They have asked for people to share this information far and wide so that people stop getting these dangerous injections immediately.

Dr. Matt Shelton's work can be found here:


Sue Grey's links can be found here:


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