I Have Hunter Biden’s Financial Records- Burisma, Ukraine Bio-Labs, and Bank of China

2 years ago

Evidence from Hunter Biden’s Laptop, The MSM, and Lia Thomas winning the NCAA summing championship. After being called a conspiracy theorist and being censored, I now present you with the specific details of the evidence showing Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, Joe Biden, Christopher Heinz, James Biden, and the late Beau Biden's corrupt financial transactions. Recently, I presented government documentation and government contracts showing the U.S. government's financial interest in the Ukrainian Bio-Labs and the financial connections between Rosemont Seneca and Ch2M, Metabiota, and Black & Veach. Joe Biden's Brother James Biden was a minority partner in Hillstone International, a subsidiary of Hill International aka CH2M Hill, who not only was awarded over $1 billion in government construction contracts between 2010 and 2014 with no prior completed construction projects but also currently holds government contracts for operations involving the Bio-Labs in Ukraine.

CNN and other large MSM sources claimed that Hunter Biden never received $3.5 million from Rosemont Seneca by way of Devon Archer, and I now prove that wrong. Hunter Biden not only received the money but was wired money to 4 different accounts, all of which I provide the account numbers for in the video. I also provide the entire account details that the money was wired from. Below is a link to the statements themselves, which are stamped as Evidence of the Department of Justice. The statements also show transactions washed through a corrupt Latvian Bank and Devon and Hunter's dealings with the Bank of China. The Biden Family has a substantial conflict of interest and illegal ventures in China and Ukraine and this can not be ignored any longer. #Ukraine #BioLabs #JoeBiden #HunterBiden #JamesBiden #DevonArcher #ChristopherHeinz #DepartmentofDefense #DepartmentofState #DepartmentofJustice #RosemontSeneca #Burisma #Metabiota #HillstoneInternational #CH2M #JohnKerry #DonGraves #BankofChina

Rosemont Seneca c/o Devon Archer Account Statements from 2014-2016:

The case regarding Steven Graves corruption in handing out government contracts between 2010-2013:

The article specifies Hunter Biden's Connection to the Ukraine Bio-Labs. The article has links to government documentation as well:

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