Dr. Angelique Coetzee Interview with Dr. Reiner Fullmich and Viviana Fischer

2 years ago

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who discovered the Omicron variant, says that European governments tried to get her to back off her assessment that the Omicron variant was mild. She also says that testing asymptomatic people does not tell anyone anything about disease or contagion. Also, there is no such thing as asymptomatic infection. This is the real science! So why are universities and companies around the USA insisting that people take weekly tests for COVID-19 infection if they haven't been "vaccinated", when they have no symptoms?

As I have previously said, these tests are NOT ABOUT HEALTH. Testing is about CONTROL and TORTURING those with religious/philosophical convictions (those who actually understand science), and about those WITHOUT ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE forcing people to take meaningless tests while VIOLATING THEIR RIGHTS. This is also about criminals in US health agencies, corporations, etc. with an agenda - I would say for the New World Order and the Great EVIL Reset.

If your employer insists that you take a weekly test if you have not been jabbed - TELL THEM NO! It is against International Law to force anyone to take a medical procedure against their will! - only NAZI's/FASCIST's have this approach to medicine and human health.

Where are the courts in the USA?? Why has this continued so long?? My answer: Our governments in the USA are corrupt and engaged in a DEMOCIDE program (see Edward Dowd's videos on this page).

Those currently in government/in control of organizations/companies at all levels - in CDC, NIH, HHS, FDA, in Public Health Departments, Schools, Universities, etc. - must be removed and or arrested (depending on their level of knowledge - to be determined through investigation). These people are either incompetent or criminals. People who go to or graduate from some of these Ivy League schools who are "in charge" of our health agencies are either some of the most incompetent people on Earth (which is possible - because I have meet many brainwashed/not-up-to-speed graduates of Ivy League schools) or criminals!

This PLANdemic has lasted too long for even the most clueless MDs or PhD scientists to keep buying this nonsense COVID-19 narrative. At this point, believing the lies surrounding COVID-19 as a MD or PhD scientist requires a scientific coma. These protocols (e.g., testing and masking) and repeat jabs are that IRRATIONAL!

To the psychopaths "in charge" - there is little saying you should understand - "you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time". Repent now and ask God for forgiveness. You will still do time, but you will have the knowledge in your heart that you have been forgiven before you meet God face to face.

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