Ukraine Seized By Globalists - Canadians Involvement

3 years ago


Amazing Polly is one of THE BEST researchers out there!
Be sure to follow on Rumble and Bitchute.
From Oct 10 2019. Given the state of global affairs, it seemed appropriate to repost.

I discuss how *G.Soros* & Canada are pivotal to the Globalist takeover of Ukraine. This seems to involve the CIA in its capacity as part of an underground international Intelligence Apparatus which I believe was set up during & after WW2 in Project RUSTY.
I have the BEST audience on the internet! and I want to thank you all for your support & comments. If you would like to send a financial contribution so that I can keep doing this work, please click the following link or go to my website,
I also focus on the major role Canadians have played in Ukraine.. There's a lot going on here, so grab a pen. :)
NOTE: the photo I say is of Oleh Havrylyshyn is not him. I put in the wrong file. more...

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