Bobby's Dream Promo!

2 years ago

Have you ever felt different than everyone else? Well, for Bobby Williams, an eight-year-old with emergent psychic powers, that feeling is reality. After losing his father to a car accident, Bobby has retreated into a lonesome fantasy world; his sole source of comfort a villainous creature from his favorite movie. His mother, Colleen, struggles daily with the loss of her husband, and the pressures of keeping their lives together. To make matters worse, Bobby has to deal with a sadistic fifth-grader named Clint, a psychotic teacher who suspects the awful truth, and a lecherous principal who lusts after his mother. As his powers grow in intensity, Bobby's entire life begins to change, building toward an inevitable and tragic climax. Don't miss this taut supernatural thriller by Jesse Lynn Rucilez, author of Le Club du Mal.

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