BFGC - Mar 20, 2022 Women of Character 2

2 years ago

God's Word tells us that Yehovah is not a respector of persons and that He does not play favorites. The Apostle Paul reminds believers that since Yeshua died on the tree, that there is no longer separation in the Kingdom of God. There is no longer a dividing line between Hebrew and Gentile, Male and Female, Master and Slave, and now all people can come to Yehovah, directly through our High Priest Yeshua. All New Testament, Holy Spirit filled believers, can be priests and prophets unto God, regardless of their gender or marital status. Women do not need their husbands permission, or spiritual covering, before they can be anointed and used by Yehovah. Even if some guys don't like to admit it, God has always called women to do great things for Him. God will use anyone who is living Holy and Righteous for Him, as long as they are willing to listen and be led by the Holy Spirit.

KOG Series:
Bible Studies:

Yehovah PDF Bible:

Prayer Line: 435.578.8022

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