Murder Charges Dropped in Lee Keltner Shooting As "Clear Self Defense" When It's Anything But

2 years ago

I often think the Internet was a mistake. A new "challenge" on TikTok involves shooting unsuspecting targets with gel pellets from an Orbeez gun. That's a great way to get yourself "self defensed" like Lee Keltner did.

According to the questionable interpretation of Self Defense in Denver by the Attorney General's office, Matthew Dolloff acted in perfect self defense, so much so that the Second Degree Murder charge was dropped stemming from the altercation in October 2020. Dolloff may or may not have committed Murder, but a court and a panel of his peers will not be deciding that, thanks to this baffling decision. More cut and dry self defense claims (KYLE RITTENHOUSE) were put on trial, but the good boy who instigated a fight and had numerous underlying red flags involving the shooting, won't have to worry about that. He's just a good Leftist that will be providing Media Security without any worries or cares in the world. If the political affiliations were reversed, you bet your ass he would be heading to court.

The Epoch Times:
The Denver Post:

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#OrbeezChallenge #LeeKeltner #MatthewDolloff

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