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Public Notice to The Elizabeth Magistrates Court
ATTN: Court Clerk, Judge, Magistrate, Prosecutor and or Other Acting Agent, Officer or Individual
Statement of Material Fact and Affidavit of Truth
To each individual living man or living woman employed or contracted by and or to, the corporations trading as The Justice Department of South Australia, The Courts Administration Authority South Australia, The Department of Correctional Services South Australia, or any other subsidiary or other associated corporations trading here in The Sovereign Nations of Terra Australis making claims to jurisdiction at Law.
I Solange Ellen Goodes, living flesh and blood woman of soulful substance and good conscience, being sound of mind, body and soul, of Ngadjuri and Kaurna National Sovereignty, 15 Mugge Rd Sandy Creek, hereby formally remove my consent from your Judicial System maintaining any claims to jurisdiction over my body, mind, soul and my person as a free woman on Sovereign Nations Lands.
Due to learning information which contradicts any Commonwealth or Australian claim to jurisdiction at Law on the continent Terra Australis, I am obligated by moral consciousness to inform your Judicial System that I cannot appear under your assumption to jurisdiction without evidence of Lawful National Sovereignty, affirmed and proven to be fact without opposition.
Due to the introduction of Terra Nullius, 1835, a proven legal fiction, the Commonwealth and the Crown have been proven illegitimate and unlawful, unable to provide evidence of lawful National Sovereignty on these lands and as a result can only be seen as a Belligerent Occupation and genocidal regime, unlawfully occupying multiple Sovereign Nations lands in a 233-year ongoing Genocide against the Original First Nations Peoples, and now all peoples inclusively.
It is my lawful statement and position to assert that as a result of the failure of the corporations trading as the Justice System, the Courts, the Correctional Services Department, SAPOL, the Government of South Australia to provide evidence of lawful National Sovereignty inside the constructs of Australian Law and Government through treaty, treaties, declaration of war or surrender through conquest, that I cannot allow the Australian Law and Government Systems any assumption to Jurisdiction over myself, my family or any matters pertaining to my person or my familys’ persons.
To allow the Australian Government or Law Systems any assumption to jurisdiction on the continent of Terra Australis, where the Original Sovereign Nations have never ceded their rights to National Sovereignty over their Nations respectively would be considered: Complicity in Genocide, an International Crime recognised under Article III(e) of the International Genocide Treaty Series 1951, and I cannot be forced, coerced or manipulated in any manner into committing a crime knowingly.
I Solange Ellen Goodes will not be complicit in genocide, and the matters raised against me by the paid, armed agents of the corporate State acting with extreme prejudice against me and my peaceful family, scheduled to be heard on March 25th and April 6th 2022, will not have me be present or represented in any way, and is to be immediately dismissed and removed from any records, as without evidence of National Sovereignty, your judicial system is nothing short of a commercial ‘for profit and power’ fraud with no lawful right or Jurisdiction on this continent.
The matters raised by the State against me in relation to the State funded militarised SAPOL terror attack on me and my family at our peaceful, private family home on Thursday September 23rd 2021, and my second state sanctioned abduction from the footpath out the front of The Youth Court Adelaide Tuesday November 23rd where I was attending in support of the family of another State stolen youth also abducted in a targeted attack against her whistleblower mother, then the subsequent targeted roadway hijacking, assault and abduction of me in the early hours of Sunday morning the 30th of Jan by the same SAPOL officer ‘Kevin’ who ordered my unlawful abduction from my home at Sandy Creek, where he also stole my clap sticks which he is still yet to return, items of personal and cultural significance, as well officer Bianca Avery who was directly responsible for my abduction from my home and family and for perpetrating a medical rape on me in the form of a DNA swab conducted by force by Avery and two other male officers who physically pinned me against a cell wall, while one grabbed me by the hair, yanking my head back so Bianca Avery could force the vile tasting swab inside my mouth, while a group of officers gathered outside the cell I was trapped in to watch me being assaulted as I was being held and my body sovereignty violated against my expressed will at the Elizabeth cells after being stolen by force from out the front of my home. These are all matters that have been deliberately engineered by corporate agents and officers who have a direct financial and moral conflict of interest against the truth that I and my family stand and speak for.
Bianca Avery took a very perverted pleasure in exerting her fraudulently assumed authority over me. While she had me bound by handcuffs, she three times, during two different abductions, forced masked me against my expressed free will. This was extremely traumatising to me, as through my work in hearing and learning from the testimony of reporting survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse. I have been conscious since the beginning of this covid globally staged false ‘pandemic’, that’s been engineered by the pharmaceutical mafia and other globalist stakeholders with an absolute mountain of evidence of their ongoing crimes against humanity. That the forced masking/ mask mandates are in truth a form of satanic ritual abuse. A way for the psychopathic satanic cult abusers to see who they have under their trauma based mind-control programming. Force masking me against my expressed will while my hands were physically tied was a spiritual assault as well as a violation of my most basic and natural human right to breathe freely.
My husband Toby Lockyer and I are both on the public record as whistleblowers speaking out against the pedophiles in parliament, the pedophile protecting court orders, the state sanctioned child trafficking through the Department of Child Protection, the 233 years of ongoing genocide here in The Sovereign First Nations and the current covid fraud pandemic. We were both fearful for our own lives and the lives of the woman and the male minor who were at our home early morning on September 23rd when two squad cars and at least 5 armed, masked officers presented just after 7am, demanding access to our home for what they falsely claimed was for a ‘routine’ gun cabinet check. There was nothing routine about the SAPOL presence at our home that morning. It was clearly a well planned and targeted attack, as was evidenced by the wild escalation of this incident into a full-blown militarised star group terror attack, my unlawful imprisonment in complete isolation being denied all due process, and the malicious mainstream media defamation, stalking and harassment campaign that followed.
After being confronted and abducted by the gang of armed, masked officers at our home. I waited for two days in the cells at Elizabeth to speak to the judge, but instead of being heard, I was shipped off to the Adelaide Women’s Prison and held in extreme isolation from my family and everyone I know and love for 22 days and 21 nights which has caused massive trauma, pain, suffering and debilitating damage to myself, my husband, our son, my mother, my father, my brother and sisters, my cousins and aunties, uncles and extended family, as well as our closest friends, clients and community members who all know and love us. While the corporate media has run a public smear campaign of defamation against my husband and I who are hardworking, caring, well known, widely respected, contributing members of our community.
SAPOL also stole my husbands mobile phone, with video evidence of their machine gun wielding terror attack against my unarmed husband, an already severely traumatised targeted mum who had her baby stolen by DCP and was staying with us for trauma recovery, and a minor who was also assaulted by SAPOL during their militarised attack at our private home. Toby’s phone contains more than 20 years of business and trade contacts, as well as personal contacts and the theft of his property has directly damaged our ability to conduct our business and earn our livelihood to support and sustain ourselves. The theft of his registered firearms that he worked to purchase and has maintained safely without incident for more than 13 years, also leaves him without the tools he needs to safely and humanely manage our livestock on our primary producing property.
Please instruct the immediate return of my husband's stolen property by SAPOL.
At the same time as our home was being invaded, turned upside down and property stolen by machine gun pointing SAPOL mercenaries, I was being unlawfully held in isolation from my family, where I was forced to accept ‘legal’ representation against my expressed will to speak for myself, under threat that if I did not agree to ‘legal’ representation I would be held indefinitely into the New Year and not be released to return home to my family for months or years. This forced ‘legal’ representation cost my family, friends and supporters close to $20,000 causing further State engineered financial hardship and loss as a result of this direct attack and clear persecution of my family and community who stand for truth, peace, freedom and real child protection. My husband and I work in unpaid / self funded service in our community. Unlike the paid corporate agents and officers attacking us and making claims against us who each have a very clear and obvious financial conflict of interest in these matters.
The list of the major crimes against me and my family, the other targeted people we support and protect and our community by SAPOL, the Justice Department, the Courts and the corporate ‘for profit’ prisons, and the corporations claiming to be the State and Local Governments are too many to list here. We are putting together a case for compensation that will be heard in a real court of law here in the Sovereign Nations of Terra Australis in due course.
We have zero faith in the current administration who operate as a law unto themselves, and as State targeted whistleblowers we remain in real and present danger and fear for our lives, our safety and the safety of our community at large. We are especially fearful for the children still being held by the corporate State against the expressed wishes of their natural families, our Original Sovereign Elders and We the Honestly Informed Free People.
Your court must provide evidence of National Sovereignty or it is a Kangaroo court operating fraudulently and without permission to be trading here and I cannot consent to it assuming jurisdiction at Law on the continent Terra Australis.
Each individual living man or living woman working within the corporate for profit ‘justice system’, or making any fraudulent claims against me, my family and our community under the fraud Law are individually and personally liable for acting criminally in accordance with Article III(e) of the International Genocide Treaty Series 1951, as well as being liable for financial damages to their individual targeted victims.
If the system continues to target and persecute me and my family, I, we, or those acting on our behalf will hold a full public investigation into each individual living man or living woman acting on behalf of the system against us. Perpetrators will be named and shamed publicly for any knowing or continued deliberate violation of the truth.
Our Elders have told us that the prosecutors here are heavily responsible for the targeted and prejudiced treatment of The Original Sovereign People of Terra Australis. The prosecutors know the truth about the real lawful sovereignty belonging to the Original People, their Sovereign Motherland, and those of us who stand with them in full respect for the truth. Yet the prosecutors continue to actively engage in State sanctioned genocide by targeting the Original People through the fraud ‘law’ system and arguing for much harsher sentences for Original people than for non Original People being prosecuted for comparable matters in many cases. This is clearly evidenced by the hugely disproportionate over representation of Original people throughout the corporate prisons, and the huge number of state sanctioned stolen Original babies and children through the department of child removals that callously continue business as usual to this day. This evil needs to end now, and it is each one of our individual responsibility to stop giving a presumption of authority to any individual or institution that is operating without evidence of lawful National Sovereignty, and that is contributing to the perpetuation of State run genocide, human slavery, child trafficking and ecocide.
Enough is enough. This fraud is killing us all. It’s time we each bring ourselves into standing with the truth that holds the power to set us, and our children, all real world free to live in peace and harmony as brothers and sisters in our one human family in accordance with our Creator's Golden Rule and the real Land Law here in The Sovereign Nations of Terra Australis.
This statement of Material Fact and Affidavit of Truth is authorised by The United Sovereign Nations of Terra Australis, and We the Free People of Kaurna and Ngadjuri National Sovereignty.
Please send confirmation that all records of me and my family are removed from your system.
Thank you for your respect for the truth,
Solange Ellen
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