Terrifying Video Shows China Plane Nosedive In Final Seconds

2 years ago

Plane crash in China: The unverified video shows plane's nosedive before it crashed

New Delhi: A China Eastern passenger plane that crashed into the mountains today with 132 people on board is seen diving straight into the ground in terrifying footage captured by a security camera.
The video was caught by a local mining company's security camera, according to reports.

The Boeing 737 aircraft was flying from Kunming city to Guangzhou when it "lost airborne contact over Wuzhou" city in the Guangxi region, said the Civil Aviation Administration of China. The plane crashed in Teng county near Wuzhou and caused a mountain fire. Rescue workers have found no signs of any survivors, according to reports.

Flight Mu5735, in its final seconds, was seen in a nosedive at a great speed before it crashed into the mountains.

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