Fake Akashic Records, the Council of Nine, and the Reincarnation Trap

2 years ago

Video sources: "The Akashic Records Deception" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hM4eOY7rBk
"Real Talk - What is the Truth of this Reality? The Reincarnation Trap" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCLugLmWEoI
"Interdimensional War | Incarnation On Earth & Consciousness Redirection" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4N1Pu4QmD0

By Wes Penre: "In my periodic introspection sessions I always end up to the same conclusion: the souls of the human species are trapped in a dimension of control (i.e. what we call “reality”) and the afterlife is merely a short break before being recycled back into the chaos. (Similar to how wounded soldiers are sent to the hospital for treatment, before being sent to the front line once again) Whether you resonate with the information or not, please read it in its entirety. I can understand if it may sound scary to choose not to go to the Light because many of us are afraid of the unknown. Whereas, the Light feels “safe” because we’ve gone there so many times, and “everybody else” who went there seems to have done just fine. However, remember that you are being multidimensional every single night you go to sleep and dream. This is a taste of what is awaiting after we die — except, after we die, we are in charge of our “dreams” and can create consciously what we create unconsciously during REM sleep.

However, this only gives a partial picture, so let’s get a little bit more into detail about what I have learned recently on the details about escaping the Afterlife Trap (AIF) once and for all. David Icke talks about the Matrix of Control and the projection of a fake reality from within our solar system. Those who have come to the point in their awareness level that they are reading this don’t have to worry about getting “stuck” in the ether and become a “lost soul.” The reader of this material is far beyond that because you know too much. Instead, when you die, you will most probably be approached by your guide of guides as usual, and he or she wants to help you “cross over,” and if you allow this, it will lead you through the Tunnel. Those who have come to the point in their awareness level that they are reading this don’t have to worry about getting “stuck” in the ether and become a “lost soul.” The reader of this material is far beyond that because you know too much. Instead, when you die, you will most probably be approached by your guide of guides as usual, and he or she wants to help you “cross over,” and if you allow this, it will lead you through the Tunnel. In some cases, there are no guides in the beginning, and the Tunnel will open up in front of you, but at a distance. Normally, souls feel the attraction and gravitation from the Tunnel and start moving toward it, consciously or unconsciously — like a leaf being sucked in by a vacuum cleaner. ( https://prepareforchange.net/2018/07/29/escape-their-trap-and-set-your-soul-free-2/ )

"Moksha from Earth" about the lighttrap: https://bit.ly/3ghTUZU
"Archons rule Earth" about the 7 planetary rulers: https://bit.ly/3D0RDfl
"Dark Side of Jesus" about John, the true Christos: https://bit.ly/3xZLP24

Watch: "Jesus was a Usurper" https://odysee.com/@SergeantSchultz:2/Lynn-Picknett---Jesus-was-a-Usurper,-John-the-Baptist-was-the-True-Christ.-The-Johannite-Tradition.:9

Watch: "The Templar Revelation" https://odysee.com/@SergeantSchultz:2/Lynn-Picknett---Mary-Magdalene:9

!!! MUST WATCH - Psychic project on "Freedom from Soul-Loosh Harvesting"!!! https://odysee.com/@SergeantSchultz:2/Samsara-and-Rebirth:b

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