Report 281| Sonya Roche-Duncan: Full Moon in Virgo: Seeing Through Cabal Deception, Theater & Chaos

2 years ago

Fascinating commentary and analysis from Psychological Astrologer Sonya Roche-Duncan on the current state of affairs in the world today seen through the lens of astrological stars and signs. We are ending the Season of Pisces she tells us and entering the Season of Aries with Spring Equinox on March 20th, 2022. It is also the real end of the year 2021, as measured by "the great clock in the sky." Spring Equinox traditionally marks the beginning of a new year.

Then there's the portal date of 2-20-2022 when Putin announced war on Ukraine -- at the time of the New Moon in Virgo, with themes set in play then coming to fruition now with the Full Moon in Virgo, setting loose-along with other starry signs, the gods of war and destruction likely to trickle-effect to the whole world, particularly in the realm of disrupted supply chains, affecting the cost and availability of food and fuel. Couple that with the continued steely issuance of plans for digital ID, digital currency, and constraints of freedom of speech and expression and you have a Cabal drama of Dominance upcoming, which people should be aware of: they may be letting up some it may seem but examining the fine print as Virgo calls us to do reveals they're really not letting up any. The answer is to prepare oneself, physically and materially, stock up or prep with supplies of food, water, filtration units, money converted to gold and silver as opposed to being kept in banks--Take your money out of their banks, Sonya cautions us--while continuing to do what one can to wake up the rest of the world.

Sonya also examines the entire Ukraine scenario in light of Wag the Dog, Zelensky's stint as an actor and the preponderance of actors now shouting about freedom for Ukraine while advocating misery and ostracism for the unvaccinated. Each of these actors being carefully chosen by star sign it appears: Zelensky's an Aquarius and the Leos are the Arnold Schwarzeneggers supporting him.

There's a lot to astrology I don't understand but it is certainly interesting to hear this analysis from a psychological astrologer able to turn her lens to the political scene and offer a deeper insight into what is really going in the world--since it appears all world events we see are manipulated into existence by the Cabal.

We're the wild card though, and how we can effect change in the world is by most powerfully and authentically being ourselves. Each of us too, in this view, is "ruled by the stars"--no wonder they'd like to eliminate most of us.

The truth about the plane we live on--disc with torus of atmosphere and heavens above, possible dome, non-rotating, planets both inside and beyond--is briefly touched on toward the end.

The interest in uncovering true realities and true science -- remembering always that astrology was intermeshed with astronomy until the medieval age when power mavens decided to delink it in their drive to establish a materialistic mindset and aspect to human affairs and is an ancient art and science, connecting human lives to the cosmos--is the reason astrology is here on this channel, for those who think this is a "New Age"'s actually an Old Age one!

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